Beardstown High School

Class of 1962

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BHS Class of 1962 - 50th Class Reunion

Friday Night Party

 Our 50th Class Party was held at the Riverview Restaurant (above the Bowling Alley).  It just so happened that the new owner of the Riverview was exactly ready to host these parties.  We shared the space with the Class of 1967.  And it was a very hot and humid week end in Beardstown.   Typical Alumni weather.  The owner had set up an industrial size fan in the Banquet room and people gathered around it like livestock at a County Fair Livestock barn.  Us "country kids" that were present had a group picture taken.   You can see it and other photographs from that week end over the next few pages,  

 On the down side, we learned that Bob Wells passed away a few days before the Reunion and Bud Krohe was killed in a trailer fire the month before.

Friday Night Party

Early arrivals for the Friday Night Party at the Riverview.

Saturday Afternoon Get-Together

 Tom and I hosted the Saturday afternoon get-together at our cabin in the "bottoms".  Several member and their spouses attended.  Again it was a HOT afternoon.  Dan Frank showed up and I know many of us had not seen him for over 50 years.

On the cabin deck

 Dick Scheer, Dick Marshall, and Kent Morgan enjoying the Illinois heat.




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