Beardstown High School

Class of 1962

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School Years

Here is a look back to those wonderful years between September 1957 and May 1960. I have a number of pictures taken from the 1960 Annual but would like to add more that most of us have probably never seen before. If you have some to share please feel free to send them to me.

Class officers 1957

We started out our Freshman year with the following Class officers. From left to right are Mary Carls, Bill DeSollar, Terry Applegate, Ms Jaggers (our Class sponsor), and Bill Loxley.

Class officers 1958

Our Sophmore year we elected Bill Loxley, Lynn Launer, Bob Walker, and Mary Carls to lead us.  Also pictured is our Class Sponsor Ms. Jaggers.

Class officers 1958

For our Junior year we put the following in charge of our Class: Rick Schultz, Bill DeSollar, Beverly Ring, and Mary Carls.  Our Class Advisors were Ms. Jaggers and Ms. Dickerson.

Class officers 1960

Here are the Officers that led us our Senior year. Kay Stoehr, K.B. Hollinberger (our Class advisor), Diane Schuetter, Bill DeSollar, and Beverly Ring.

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